Investment banking for you

Investment banking for you



Our investment services are your path to financial performance

Доступ к ценным бумагам

Доступ к ценным бумагам

За время своей работы «Teniz Capital Investment Banking» стал одним из лидеров рынка ценных бумаг в Казахстане

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За время своей работы «Teniz Capital Investment Banking» стал одним из лидеров рынка ценных бумаг в Казахстане

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Финансовое консультирование

Финансовое консультирование

За время своей работы «Teniz Capital Investment Banking» стал одним из лидеров рынка ценных бумаг в Казахстане

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Хеджирование валютных рисков

Хеджирование валютных рисков

За время своей работы «Teniz Capital Investment Banking» стал одним из лидеров рынка ценных бумаг в Казахстане

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Information is an investor's most important tool

18.06.2024 15:46
The future of Kazakhtelecom after the sale of assets - the opinion of Teniz Capital Investment Banking
12.06.2024 13:57
Oil market: the impact of the global economy and the growth of shares of Kazakh companies - opinion of Teniz Capital Investment Banking
06.06.2024 15:59
Timur Ishmuratov was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Teniz Capital Investment Banking JSC

Our history


«RG Securities» LLP was founded. In 2004, the company was transformed into JSC «RG Securities»


The company has been re-registered as «Resmi» Investment Financial House» JSC


JSC «IFH «Resmi» was renamed to JSC «IFH «YURTA»


The change of the shareholder and the new name of the company – JSC «Teniz Capital Investment Banking»

Teniz Capital in figures

Wide range of financial services, diversified and demanded product range

2,3billion tenge
equity capital amount as of 01.04.2024
120million tenge
net profit at the end of Q1 2024
117billion tenge
volume of debt securities placed as of today

Our market positions

in 2023

By market activity on trades in debt securities sector of KASE

in 2024

By market activity on trades in debt securities sector of KASE

Our deals

Over the past 10-11 years, the company’s management has completed many landmark transactions in the financial market and neighboring capital markets.


Beware, scammers

Dear clients and counter-partners of the company!

We draw your attention to the emergence of unscrupulous offers from scammers offering Kazakhstanis investments in the stock market and crypto exchanges, using fake licenses and indicating a partnership with Teniz Capital Investment Banking.

Our company has no relation to such offers and provides information only through the official website.

Site search

Teniz Capital Investment Banking JSC recommends to carefully assess the feasibility and risks of investments, taking into account the volatility of market conditions. Ownership of securities and other financial instruments is associated with fluctuations: their value can both increase and decrease. The Company cannot guarantee the profitability of investments and a constant level of income.

Licence ARKFMD No. 3.2.249/19 dated 18.05.2023. Licence ARKFMD No. 4.3.19 dated 16.06.2023.